English | French |
Main cylinder diameter | Diametre verin principal .......................... = 710 mm |
Useful section | Section utile .......................................... = 3959 cm2 |
Diameter of the two return cylinders | Diametre des deux verins de rappel ......... = 225 mm |
Useful section for two cylinders | Section utile pour deux verins ................. = 795 cm2 |
Weight of the mobile crew (estimated) | Poids de !'equipage mobile (estime) ......... = 5 T |
Operating pressure at 1000 T | Pression de fonctionnement a 1000 T ....... = 250 bar |
Working force (Free forging) | Force de travail (Forgeage libre) .............. = 1000 Ta 250 bar |
Restoring force | Force de rappel ..................................... = 200 T |
Leveling work force | Force de travail en planage .................... = 800 T |
Power | Puissance = .......................................... = 3 x 225 kW |
Total useful flow | Debit total utile ..................................... = 1500 litres/mn, 3 x 500 litres |
Working Speed | Vitesse de travail ................................... =de 4 a 80 mm/sec (±5%) |
Work recall speed | Vitesse de rappel travail ......................... = 150 mm/sec (possibilite a 200 mm/s) |
Forging force = work | Effort de forgeage = travail .................... =de SOT (±5 bar) a l000T (±10 bar) |
Stopping precision = working | Precision d'arret = travail ...................... = ± 1,5 mm |
FORCE | 300 T | 500 T | 800 T | 1000 T | 1000 T |
APPROCHE | 20 | 25 | 50 | 70 | 100 |
TRAVAIL | 10 | 15 | 30 | 30 | 30 |
RAPPEL | 30 | 40 | 80 | 100 | 130 |
Nbre de COUPS/mn | 52 | 35 | 19 | 17 | 14 |
Note: by respecting the thermal cycle of the main engines, we could overload them by approximately 10% in order to be able to obtain speeds of 80 mm/sec at 1000 T.
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